Welcome to the BestInterests-Talk Listserv
Thank you for interest in the website and listserv. Welcome to this specialized professional community! The list is designed to be exciting, fun, and intellectually stimulating. The topics discussed are often emotionally charged topics and usually there are multiple perspectives on each issue.
In order to facilitate a beneficial and enjoyable discussion, the following set of rules are established to assist in the exchanges. These rules are specific to this list and the goal of collegial and respectful participation. The rules are styled in many ways after the ABA Section of Family Law’s Rules & Etiquette for Discussion Groups. Please note that listserv members are strongly discouraged from and asked to refrain from posting case-specific information. This policy and the rationale for this policy are outlined at the bottom of his document. If you need a private consultation, please contact Bud at to request a consultation with a member of the Bestinterests-talk Mentor Panel.
The list is moderated with the expectation that members consistently contribute and maintain their professional behavior throughout the resulting dialogues. Keep it positive and have fun!
1. and this listserv are for “brain storming, testing ideas, and informal collegial communications.”
2. Be nice, be fair. Please read Robert Fulgram’s All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten and the following rules.
3. By joining the Bestinterests-talk listserv you agree to abide by these rules and to be responsible for all of the posts you make to the listserv.
4. To initiate a thread, address your post to
5. When replying to the post of another member, hit "Reply" to send a response to the author of the post. If you wish to send a response to the entire list, hit "Reply All." Please note that hitting "Reply All" might send the author of the post two separate copies of your post. To avoid this, edit the "Reply-To:" line and remove the seperate e-mail address of the author. The author will receive your post because they are part of the bestinterests-talk list.
6. Group Discussion Rules: Do not challenge or attack others. The list is designed to stimulate conversation. Let everyone have their say. Respectful disagreement is a part of being a child custody professional.
7. Do not post commercial messages or market yourself or your business organization on the list. If you are doing a workshop, have written an article or book, or have something you wish to share with the group, you may post this one time (aka the “one shameless plug” exception). Otherwise, contact people directly if you know of something of interest to individual list members.
8. Defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you. To avoid allegations of price-fixing or anti-competitive behaviors, members must avoid discussing fees, price structures, or other similar financial issues on bestinterests-talk.
9. If your post is not directly relevant, put “OT” (Off Task) at the beginning of the subject line.
10. If your post is long, put “LM” (Long Message) at the beginning of the subject line.
11. You can say “thank you” and “me too,” but label these things “OT.” Be sensitive to the high numbers of emails some members must manage.
12. Do not send “Remove me” or other “Administrative Messages” to the Discussion group. Send these to
13. Do not send attachments to the Discussion Group. Send attachments backchannel to those who request them.
14. Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner.
15. Listserv members may only redistribute posts with the permission of the posting party. and its listserv have limited archives. Members are encouraged to create their own database via folders of members whose posts they value.
16. Do not post anything you do not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you. Advice included in any written or electronic communication is not advice from and should not be used without independent research and advice.
17. Anything not specifically covered in the rules will be addressed by the moderator.
18. reserves the right to temporarily or permanently terminate access to any user who does not abide by these rules and guidelines. ​
19. It is against Listserv rules to post case-specific information and Listserv members are strongly discouraged from posting case-specific information. Here is the rationale for this policy:
As a matter of policy, the listserv strongly discourages members from the front channel posting of case-specific information. This policy is designed to protect both the listserv membership as well as the persons served by the listserv members. It is based on, among other things, the duties of confidentiality owed to the clients of the legal and mental health professionals in the bestinterests-talk membership.
When considering posts about cases, listserv members are encouraged to read two documents that outline, among other things, the dangers associated with posting case-specific information on a semi-public platform. These two documents are available online or upon request from the listserv moderator:
Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) Social Media Task Force, Guidelines for the Use of Social Media by Psychologists in Practice and by Psychology Regulator Bodies (October 9, 2020). Also available at:
American Bar Association, Formal Opinion 511: Confidentiality Obligations of Lawyers Posting to Listservs (May 8, 2024). See See also
When considering posts about cases, listserv members are encouraged to read two documents that outline, among other things, the dangers associated with posting case-specific information on a semi-public Both policy statements caution against posting case-specific information that might identify the client and/or inappropriately reveal protected privacy information. Both statements note how easily others, including the client him/herself, can identify information about themselves and their case. In many instances, it is impossible to adequately disguise the information. While both statements note that such disclosures are allowed with the informed consent of the client, takes a conservative position and strongly discourages even these kinds of disclosures while also noting that duties of confidentiality owed by professionals to their clients extend beyond the adjudication of cases in open court. In other words, the airing of certain information in court does not terminate duties of confidentiality owed by professionals to the clients they serve.
Put simply, the bestinterests-talk listserv membership is asked to refrain from posting case-specific information front channel.